Friday 04 October 2024 Friday 04 October 2024

Ali G Translator

Cockney Rhyming Slang Translator

Irish Translator
Scouse Translator
Yorkshire Chicken Run Translator
Brummie Translator
Geordie Translator
Scottie Translator
Jolly Well Spoken Translator
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Advertising on whoohoo.co.uk

Types of advertising available

There are 3 main types of advertising available on whoohoo.co.uk as described below:

whoohoo.co.uk ROS

A number of different options are available including 468x60 advertising banners and 120x600 skyscrapers.

These ad locations are mainly outsourced by Advertising.com, Adviva and Valueclick, although direct deals are preferred.

Please contact advertising@whoohoo.co.uk for more information and we will be pleased to help you.


whoohoo.co.uk Shopping Site
Mirago PPC

There is opportunity to advertise across the whoohoo.co.uk Shopping Site, deliverying highly targetted leads from specific chosen keywords.

As well as the 468x60 and 120x600 advertising banners, we offer preferred pay-per-click listings which represent excellent value for money. These listings are mainly administered by Mirago.co.uk.

To get started immediately, please visit http://www.whoohoo.co.uk/ppc and your ads will be up on whoohoo.co.uk within minutes.


whoohoo.co.uk Email Tagline

This 3 line signature is placed on all out-going emails from the whoohoo.co.uk site. Seen by all recipients of the humorous emails sent by our visitors, this is an excellent opportunity to catch a user's attention while they are having a laugh.

This is negotiated directly with whoohoo.co.uk and is calculated on a CPM basis.

If you would like to advertise in this way, please contact advertising@whoohoo.co.uk.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at advertising@whoohoo.co.uk.

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